Cupping therapy

Cupping therapy is an ancient healing method that may ease back pain, neck pain, headaches and other issues. It uses suction to pull on your skin and increase blood flow to the affected area.
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There are different types of cupping techniques are there like:

Dry cupping: The air inside a plastic or glass cup is suctioned or vacuumed out by placing the cup on the skin.

Wet cupping / Hijama / Bleeding: Wet cupping creates a mild suction by leaving a cup in place for about 3 minutes. The therapist then removes the cup and uses a small scalpel to make light, tiny cuts on your skin. Next, they do a second suction to draw out a small quantity of blood.

Oil cupping / Sliding cupping: Its a technique where massage oils are applied, cups are attached to the body and then slide across an area.

Flash cupping / Empty cupping: It involves quick repeated application of cups, with minimal retention. It reduces local congestion and stimulate circulation over a broader area.

  • Drain excess fluids and toxins
  • Loosen adhesions and revitalize connective tissue
  • Increase blood flow to skin and muscles
  • Stimulate the peripheral nervous system
  • Reduce pain
  • Controls high blood pressure and modulates the immune system
We act on the cause of the pain, leaving no chance for its return.
We get rid of chronic pain when other remedies no longer help.

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